Intelligence versus Fear
Intelligence is the ability to use imagination, awareness and our ability to verify, to create and associate different resources within our brain to extrapolate a conclusion.
Fear stops all that.
Exams, SAC results, what do I do afterwards, which University, what will other people think, say, do, the world… It can be a little thing that trips us up and has us do less than we can.
We become brain dead, confused, forgetful and tired.
Human Intelligence
More and more information is coming to light on human intelligence. Each intelligence can cross sensorial boundaries (feel it, see it, hear it etc.) and be hindered by stress whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
Your life experiences, and your genetic blueprints from Mum and Dad, activate all sorts of subconscious fears. Yes, some of that brain deadness might not even be yours! Fear turns off intelligence.
Intelligences are also multi-tasking. Math Methods may use linguistic, mental, mathematical and spatial intelligence. For someone else musical intelligence may be added into the mix as this is their strength to draw on. Whatever it takes to do your best. Right?
Intelligence Applications
There are 9 genetic applications of intelligence:
- Mental IQ – integrative ability of the mind
- Linguistic intelligence – sensitivity to shadings of meaning
- Musical intelligence – the flavour of music, pitch, rhythm, tone
- Mathematical abstract, patterns, rigorously proven, finances
- Spatial intelligence – thinking in three dimensions, perception
- Kinesthetic – both fine and gross body movements, skill full
- Personal intelligence – dealing with people/society
- Emotional intelligence – when well developed we are content and effective, self aware and discrimination guides behaviour
- Sexual intelligence – the brain influenced by hormones, your sexual identity
Each intelligence has its own list of fears that can inhibit it and effect you. Which intelligences do you depend on most? Do you wonder just what subconscious fears are attached to each of your subjects and even to success itself?
Hormonal Impact on Intelligence
Ugh, and then there’s hormones…
The stress hormone of adrenalin demands blood leaves the brain so we can fight or run away. We don’t wave a finger at the T-Rex and say, “Have you thought this through?” We run. Our muscles need the blood, not our thinking brains. The problem is our physiology does not distinguish between Year 12 stress and the T-Rex. Stress is stress. Resulting in the brain running on survival systems only – less blood, less oxygen, less nutrition, less retentive/clear thinking. Less than your best.
To all this we add the effect of long term adrenal stress on the thyroid and thymus glands and we can end up anxious/depressed and get sick. Throw in ramped up PMS and you do way less than your best in exams.
Make sure you have the brain power, courage and the willingness to get your best results.
Shanna saw Trudi to help with the stress of Year 12.
It helped her to be less fatigued and to worry less.
She was able to do more homework in a day and to stay focused on her (end) goals.
She ended the year with a fantastic result!
Annette van Der Meche – (Proud Mum 2015)
Decrease your Stress Reaction
“SET STANDARDS” have such a strong influence in our lives to the point that they can result in blanking your memory. The academic results you “have to” meet in order to win may be the trigger that gets your self doubt super-charged enough to make you do less than your best. You lose.
Increase Brain Hydration
Muddled thinking and the inability to retain information efficiently can be simply a lack of water. It can also be fear effecting your kidneys and dehydrating your brain even though you are drinking 6-8 glasses a day.
Nutritional Glitches that are Making You Sick and Tired…
B group vitamins are great stress supplements. Vitamin C is great for the immune system. But what if you can’t absorb and utilise them or perhaps you’re allergic to them! Heavy metals, medications and stress can turn off nutrition and upset your well being.
So what to do to…
be more relaxed
stay healthy and hydrated
be self motivated
Increase your study effectiveness
Yes, but how?
Neuro Training for Exams
Neuro Training sessions will have you ready for your SACS, your end of year exams, handling the workload that is to be done in each subject and help you prepare you for what is next in life. Subconscious stress about leaving your childhood behind can get you! Seems strange to think about it but each major life transition has its own peculiarities. Each of you are unique so none of you will have the same experience.
Absolute game changer…coaching, logical and easy to understand… body and thought patterns… from a nervous, doubtful and anxious person to one who has become level headed and able to manage her emotional health. I highly recommend Trudi.
Siobhan Shippen (supportive parent 2016)
My twin girls (both got well in the 90’s) assured me that I knew nothing about the stress of Year 12 – even though I have previously taught VCE subjects! Now at Uni they just laugh and look a bit sheepish.
Clear mind, positive outlook, motivated, overwhelm stopped, helped with any issue before it effected my results…
Amber Yr 12 student 2016
Start your 2018 academic year with a boost and end with success.