Understanding the Role of Viruses in Common Colds and Flus
Viruses that cause the common cold and the flu infect mainly your weakest cells; cells that are already burdened with excessive waste products and toxins.
These are cells that you want to get rid of anyway!
So in the big scheme of things, a cold or flu is a natural event that can allow your body to purge itself of old and damaged cells. Without the “bugs” it would just take much longer.
Symptoms and Benefits of Colds and Flus
The Clearing Process
How often have you been amazed at how much “stuff” you blow out of your nose while you have a cold or the flu? Embedded within all of that mucous are countless dead cells that your body is simply saying goodbye to, largely due to the lytic effect of viruses. Hooray!
Natural Healing
There never needs to be a cure for the common cold, since the common cold is nature’s way of keeping you healthy over the long term. Just get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and nourished and let your body move through it. In my experience there is no need to get vaccinated or to take medications that suppress congested sinuses, a fever, or coughing. Those symptoms, uncomfortable as they are, are assisting you!
Prevention and Differentiation
Taking good care of your health keeps your cells staying strong enough to avoid getting infected by those viruses that come knocking on their membranes. Now that sounds even better!
Differentiating Between Cold and Flu
Curious about how to differentiate between the common cold and the flu?
- A cold usually comes on gradually. Flu comes on suddenly and hits hard.
- The flu has you feeling weak and tired and maybe running a high fever. (Your body is naturally burning off the bad guys).
- Your muscles and joints will probably ache, you will feel chilled and could have a severe headache and sore throat.
- Getting off the couch or out of bed will be a chore. So stay in it!
- The fever may last three to five days, but you could feel weak and tired for two to three weeks.
Help yourself get better with this quick tip:
Which ever you have … rub the liver reflex under the right breast AND the Spleen reflex on the sides of your ribs between ribs 7 and 8 for about 1 minute each.
Because the common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses, antibiotics are not necessary. Taking antibiotics may make you feel slightly better because of the mild anti-inflammatory effect. But… this benefit is far outweighed by the negative impact that antibiotics have on your friendly bacteria that live in your digestive tract. If you really need help with pain management during a cold or flu, it is usually better to take a small dose of paracetamol than it is to take antibiotics, even better come in for a session, and, of course, rub those points!
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Wishing you fun and health!
Trudi Hemetsberger B.Ed., Dip NT, Kinesiology