Understanding Hormones and the Endocrine System
What a lot of people don’t realize is that hormones are the product of the endocrine system. We have a lot of control, neurologically and otherwise, over the endocrine system. It is very difficult to control a single hormone, but it is really simple to change how the endocrine system operates and, therefore, how the hormones function. The point is to get you to realize that hormones are not the big mystery that people think they are. You can balance your hormones without any medications. Adding more hormones to your system, bio-identical or not, is like adding fuel to the fire. There is a better way: NeuroTraining with Trudi.
Common Misconceptions
“But my doctor says my hormones are normal,” she cries.
This woman is stressed out, exhausted, depressed, and anxious. She knows something is simply not right. She also knows that medication is NOT the answer.
What we all really want is for our hormones to get along and empower our life, not destroy it!
The Hormonal Teamwork Story
The boss of this wonderful chemical network is the hypothalamus. It determines your FUTURE and where energy will be allocated. If the boss is “screwy,” some messed up stuff is on the way. Forgetfulness or headaches are just the start.
The pituitary, the secretary, has her finger on the social pulse of this organization. She knows who is having a hissy fit with whom and reports back to the boss. Like most secretaries, she is overworked and needs some magnesium and sunshine. A lack of feeling joy is her symptom, and she needs a holiday!
The pineal gland is the travel agent, working out different environmental/time constraints. The thymus is in charge of the immune system and can be seriously compromised by modern electricals, colorings, preservatives, and stress.
The thyroid gland manages depression, anxiety, and our metabolic rate, representing our NOW energy. The heart balances the head and gut (it’s not just a pump). The pancreas provides insulin to get sugar into the cells, but adrenalin can be a bully as it demands that sugar for the survival patterns of flight and fight. One of our modern-day challenges is that we do not burn off those adrenal surges, so we get stuck in the PAST, repeating survival patterns rather than LIVING IN THE NOW. We keep repeating our mistakes. Agh!
The Impact of Adrenalin and Sugar
Adrenalin can further upset the ovaries by demanding more sugar, which causes swelling, bloating, clotting, and pain. Sugar may not be the only problem, but if you suffer from painful periods, try to be totally sugar-free for the days leading up to it and see what happens. Period pain is NOT normal. It’s just another symptom getting your attention to do something. NeuroTraining will get you back to the way things are supposed to work without drugs (and their side effects).
All those sugar cravings from adrenal demands also invite in worms and other beasties, cook the pituitary, upset the thymus and thyroid glands, and can even become the boss! Reverse adrenal syndrome is simply exhausting.
The Solution: NeuroTraining
Fortunately, working with the endocrine glands (they make the hormones) is really easy. No medication is necessary. NeuroTraining gets them talking again.
What to Do Next?
Book in for your free hormone assessment and discover how NeuroTraining can help balance your hormones and improve your overall well-being.